Contributing to HERE Map Widget for Jupyter

Thank you for taking the time to contribute.

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to this package. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgement and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

Coding Guidelines

  1. Lint your code contributions as per pep8 guidelines. To help you out, we have included a Makefile in the root directory which supports the commands below:

    Autoformat code using black:

    make black

    Check for linting errors:

    make lint
  2. Sort the imports in each python file as per pep8 guidelines for import Please execute the isort utility to have the imports sorted auto-magically.


Example notebooks are provided in /examples.

Signing each Commit

When you file a pull request, we ask that you sign off the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) in each commit. Any Pull Request with commits that are not signed off will be rejected by the DCO check.

A DCO is a lightweight way to confirm that a contributor wrote or otherwise has the right to submit code or documentation to a project. Simply add Signed-off-by as shown in the example below to indicate that you agree with the DCO.

The git flag -s can be used to sign a commit:

git commit -s -m ' Fix minor spelling mistake'

The result is a signed commit message: Fix minor spelling mistake

Signed-off-by: John Doe <>


For a development installation (requires yarn, you can install it with conda install -c conda-forge yarn):

$ git clone
$ cd here-map-widget-for-jupyter
$ pip install -e .

If you are using the classic Jupyter Notebook you need to install the nbextension:

$ jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix here_map_widget
$ jupyter nbextension enable here_map_widget --py --sys-prefix

Note for developers:

  • the -e pip option allows one to modify the Python code in-place. Restart the kernel in order to see the changes.

  • the --symlink argument on Linux or OS X allows one to modify the JavaScript code in-place. This feature is not available with Windows.

For developing with JupyterLab:

$ jupyter labextension develop here_map_widget